Fri,27 Mar 2009
I have been experiencing quite a few challenges lately. It has been unbelievably one thing after another. I am finally getting to a point where I'm beginning to feel better health wise, but still need...Read More
Tue,17 Mar 2009
Stefanie Miller is a teacher, energy healer, spiritual counselor and an intuitive, channeled writer. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Education and has taught elementary school for over 16 years. Stef...Read More
Sat,28 Feb 2009
I took my dogs for a walk tonight right around dusk. I was so fortunate to witness in the night sky the crescent moon (which is my mom’s favorite) with the planet of love, Venus, just above it. It was...Read More
Sat,21 Feb 2009
I asked my friend the other day, "When will I ever feel normal?" She looked at me like it was a trick question. Her reply to me was, "Stefanie, you are not "normal" but in a good way, you're special. ...Read More
Tue,17 Feb 2009
This past full moon and lunar eclipse were very powerful for me. I experienced the energies quite intensely. The night before and after the full moon I couldn't sleep at all. I experienced all the pen...Read More
Tue,20 Jan 2009
It seems that with the intense energies we have been facing the tendency has been to shut down our hearts as a protective, shielding defense mechanism. Many of us have been dealing with challenges on ...Read More
Wed,14 Jan 2009
It's funny how we can create scenarios in our mind. We envision the way we think things will turn out. The problem is, life sometimes has totally different things in store for us than we expected! We ...Read More
Mon,22 Dec 2008
The past few weeks of December have been very intense for many of us. I have felt the energies building to an incredible peak. There have been days lately that I honestly thought that the top of my he...Read More
Mon,15 Dec 2008
Love is a feeling that we experience in so many different ways toward various people. Love is the ultimate expression of our divinity. It is a way of showing tenderness to our children. Passion to our...Read More
Mon,08 Dec 2008
Time seems to be moving very fast, while seemingly at the same time, very slowly. We know that time and space are an illusion, but for us it seems very real. I am shocked when I realize how quickly th...Read More
Wed,03 Dec 2008
The intense energies we have been experiencing have brought out a lot of our shadow side, deep-rooted issues. Any area in our life that remained hidden or buried for any length of time are now coming ...Read More
Wed,29 Oct 2008
It has been noted that there is a considerable increase in the number of children being diagnosed as Autistic and Asperger's Syndrome. There are theories that it is due to a negative reaction to the i...Read More