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Over the years I have been fortunate to have experienced Astral Travel. At first when it started to happen I was convinced it was a dream and would write it down on the first piece of paper I could find. If I had been more organised I would have placed a note book or journal but the strange thing with that its almost then trying to temp activate a recording and then finding for days or even weeks that nothing happens. Spirit likes to have this allure of keeping us aware of all possibilities but also does not want us to get stagnant and complacent with our findings or experiences of the astral plane or of the spiritual realms.
So how do you know it’s happened? Or do you then let the famous logical thought connect and lose all belief it did?
In my opinion we are given signs and it’s again up to us how we read them. Sometimes they are a feeling; occasionally it’s a mark or bruise. For me I often found leaves or sand from the places I had visited. Skin colour can change along with heat the famous hot flush may not be that at all but a rather sudden visit interrupted by a jolt and your back in your body again.
How many of you have suddenly jumped on the early inset of sleep or found that your partner next to you has? Yes again it can be explained logically too and that isn’t wrong either but let’s take this a step further.
Sleep patterns and dreams vary from person to person. Some with require a full eight hours to be able to combat the working day. Others make do on three or four. Then will be those of you due to health issue that sleep patterns are disturbed by pain or even the need to visit the loo and have drink and take medication. Mine again often gets disturb by a large fat Tabby Tom cat that sleeps all day and then decides he wants to go out and will then pat me on the head with his large paw and wake me up.
So it’s not based on sleep it is part of a journey where we are given the opportunity to be free of logical sense and experience other lessons we may not have had otherwise it’s not about be in control it’s the opposite it allows those of us who need to be constant in our views a time out it takes the logic out of logical and gives you another possibility of another time place or person. It can an often deal with a problem and even may help you come to a personal decision that you would not of considered otherwise. It may even let you repair a conversation or get a view point across.
I’ve travel to water and found that my night wear smell of water sea or fresh. I have found sand, leaves stones and even small jewels. I now make sure that I am properly covered as the thought I might be seen can be quite disturbing lol. I have memories of places I have been and also could describe the things I saw people places etc.
A few years ago I was asked what was the purpose of the Astral Plane, and why and how? Did we return and get there were we physically effected or even what was our safety net to return. One lady asked were we connected by an invisible cord. I said my personal view was that each of us had their own safety net like an Astronaut leaving a spaceship would be attached or even a trapeze artist when practising would have a safety net.
The purpose of the event or visit is to learn and experience different viewpoints. Occasionally you might get the odd bump or bruise which usually happens if you return to quick. However it’s completely safe as the thought process like in Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz we have always had within our reach the ability to travel and return at will as we are protected by our strong beliefs of love and compassion allows our own thoughts to bring us safely back to home.
Please take the time to read this post as it will be of interest to anyone who has felt that they travelled but dismissed it as another weird dream. Annielise Stone 25/12/16
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