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“Sometimes they remain in contact like this, and sometimes the two are “deliberately” torn apart and separated over years to go and work on their own lives and commitments and deal with karma in other relationships before finally reuniting decades down the line” – Debbie Nagioff “The Twin Soul Connection”
As a clairvoyant I am frequently asked to tune into the energies surrounding soul mate connections. I am also aware that many people who are fixated with another and have some knowledge of soul mate connections, automatically assume that the person monopolising their thoughts 24/7, must be their twin. In some cases this is true and in other cases it isn’t. But how do we know? I have always stuck resolutely by my own mantra that, if you have to ask another person whether a third party is your twin soul, then the answer is probably no.
My feeling has always been that synchronicity, unusual meetings, unusual re-meetings the intensity and pull of the connection and the seemingly inability to characterise or label the “relationship” (and various other criteria) point towards a twin soul rather than a regular soul mate.
And so you’ve met your twin soul. You’ve identified them and know instinctively that they are the other half of your soul. But how do you hurry things along? The answer is you don’t.
This can be incredibly frustrating for the more aware soul in that waiting room figuratively reading through countless old magazines waiting eternally for the re-connection, waiting for the other half of their soul to understand and acknowledge the connection. But will they? In my experience the energy pull, which is rather like an electrical chord, works both ways, and the feelings are the same even though as individuals we may express ourselves differently from our twin.
In my clairvoyant experience twin souls are continuously challenged before they can finally reunite. Very often one or both are involved in another karmic deal that has to be seen through to the end. That other relationship in itself can delay the timing of the twin souls reuniting. And for that soul in the waiting room it can be the worst kind of emotional pain. Will she/he ever leave that other karmic connection?
In the way of things, twin souls have to experience these separations, it’s part of the contract! During these times we learn so much about ourselves and we learn about unconditional love. Knowing that your other half (and this isn’t always your spouse or girl/boyfriend) must fulfil their earthly karmic obligations is extremely challenging. It is not a question of being a doormat, or putting your own life on hold. It’s about acknowledging this deep love and knowing that your twin soul is always connected to you whatever you might do, and whoever else you may be with.
People who consult me are very keen to know when they will reunite with their twin. That’s not always easy to pinpoint. Spirit timing is notoriously difficult to ascertain. This is because spirit time is different from earth time. If you imagine spirit are sitting on the upper deck of a London double decker bus, they can see further up the road than us mere mortals. And so frequently they will think an event has already happened, when in fact it hasn’t.
Clairvoyants use their scrying powers to access the Universal energy pool through their crown chakra. In that way they feel know that some events feel more closer than others. The energies surrounding more immediate and closer events have an urgency about them. Those that are a year or two away can be felt, but not in the same way. In terms of twin soul re-connections, all we can tell is that this will happen, but not yet.
Sometimes twin souls have a fleeting meeting very early on. One soul feels it, but the other doesn’t have the vocabulary to acknowledge what they’ve experienced, or indeed may not perceive their other half in the same way. In other words, this early meeting may be an indicator that one or both are not picking up the radar signal.
Many years may elapse before the two meet up again. The energies and the feelings are exactly the same. The knowing twin may feel pangs of regret and anger that their other half did not reunite with them sooner. But the Universal time is usually accurate. Just think, if your twin soul had been in your life all along, but had other karmic relationships to fulfil, that would have been heartbreaking for you. It could mean that one twin would have not lived a full life, always hoping, always wishing and always waiting, when it was not time to wait, and therefore not become the person they should have been. Although in some respects there may never been a right time, till the right time arrives, Madam Destiny will eventually have her say!
So what can we learn in that waiting room? We learn not to try and force our will on the other? That type of controlling behaviour is for lesser soul connections to learn the folly of their ways and to learn that unconditional love is not about controlling or bullying the other person.
We learn that as our twin soul gradually comes to understand the connection and feels the love, without fear and without running away, so the two of you will eventually unite in harmony for all eternity.
Debbie Nagioff is a writer and clairvoyant, specialising in the energies surrounding soul mate connections. She is able to do face-to-face and telephone readings. Please contact her at .
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