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PORE1:This is a little handbook on life, which isn’t packed with mumbo jumbo stuff. It won’t make you thin or rich or stop you a smoking, which is good because hospitals need patients, they’re their life’s blood (especially in haematology). The little widgy book logically supposes a few weirdo things and, contains some hyperbolic humour. The main logical question isn’t one that is usually asked in pubs ... never mind answered.
The answer, which is obvious may make other questions pop into your mind, if you have even the slightest interest in what life is. We’re told that we don’t know what life is, but, we have things called beliefs, so ... do you believe that?
PORE 2&3 :PORE 2 look

PORE 2&3
s at those annoying people, you know, those who are lucky.Everyone I’ve asked ‘believes’ in luck, but that’s the only word they have to describe that state of being. Luck must work a bit like gravity, because nice things come to lucky people (luck has to be a force?). There is an explanation for luck, but it is very mumbo jumbo – ish for most. Really, if scientists can’t explain what it is, most just say that it exists, but ‘NO ONE’ knows what it is. PORE 3 looks at a couple of ideas regarding deforestation i.e. how to feel good and appreciate it, and more importantly ‘why’. After all, aren’t trees in the way of fun things and progress? Beef farming, crops, fast food outlets and big dippers etc?
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