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Article from Alexandria Connections TM Egyptian Healing Retreat Centre.
Did Ancient Egypt hold the Healing ‘Secrets’ for Modern Society?
Over 2000 years these unique healing tools vanished with the Pharaohs.
They are now back on the planet !
Egyptian Healing Rods TM
The Egyptian Healing Rods are Authentic and Proven Energy Tools. Russian scientific research since 1994 has demonstrated that the healing rods are useful in relieving many unpleasant physical symptoms. In fact, just five minutes holding these pyramid charged healing rods is equivalent to 30 minutes of acupuncture.
The Healing Rods of the Pharaohs stimulate your natural healing and psychic abilities by enhancing Chi. Originating from Ancient Egypt they were re-discovered through recovered texts. The Quartz Crystal-filled Rods are created in strict accordance with the original specifications from these texts. All the raw materials are energetically conditioned for 12 days in a 72ft tall Russian Pyramid before assembly.
The Healing Rods are produced in strict accordance with the Golden Section principle, allowing them to be self-tuned to a person and to be in resonant interacti
on with the Pyramid.
The Egyptian Healing Rods come in a pair, one being Copper (Sun, Male Energy) and the other being Zinc (Moon, Female Energy) By holding these healing tools they Reduce Stress, Increase Clarity, Improve Vitality, Balance All Meridians, Expand Psychic Abilities, Deepen Meditation, Balance Yin/Yang energies and enhance the body’s ability to heal itself.
The Egyptian Healing Rods can be used also in group work or for your own needs, there are a growing number of people who are benefiting from these healing tools as they are non-evasive and are truly an amazing sacred energy tool.
People can use these energy tools for themselves or to find an Alexandria Connections Egyptian Healing Rod Therapist nearer to them for a truly relaxation therapy session.
Alexandria Connections offers ongoing training for these healing tools for professionals and non-professionals to become an Egyptian Healing Rod Therapist.
If you would like to know more about Alexandria Connections TM and these amazing energy tools please visit my websites.
Freephone:- 0800-298-7426
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